Discover over 600+ WATERFALLS IN Idaho

The Top 10 Waterfalls in North Idaho

Welcome to North Idaho, a region where the rugged wilderness meets serene beauty, creating a landscape that captivates and inspires. This area, known for its dense forests, crystal-clear lakes, and the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains, offers more than just scenic vistas; it’s a haven for those seeking adventure and tranquility alike. North Idaho’s waterfalls, ranging from the gentle murmurs of hidden streams to the thunderous roars of majestic falls, serve as the jewels of this natural paradise. Each cascade, set against the backdrop of the untamed Idaho Panhandle, tells a story of geological marvels and the relentless force of nature.

This guide to the Top 10 Waterfalls in North Idaho is an invitation to embark on a journey through this awe-inspiring region. The waterfalls featured here are not merely destinations but gateways to exploring the broader wonders of North Idaho’s landscapes. Our carefully curated list aims to highlight the unique characteristics of each waterfall, including their accessibility, natural beauty, and the unforgettable adventures they promise. Join us as we explore the cascading waters that define North Idaho’s wilderness, a testament to the beauty and power of the natural world.

#10. American Falls

American Falls, positioned near the Canadian border, emerges as a breathtaking 30-foot slide at the culmination of the Upper Priest Lake Trail, an integral part of the Idaho Centennial Trail System. This natural wonder is distinguished by its vigorous spring flow and the peaceful ambiance it adopts in quieter months, cascading into an emerald pool. The trail offers a remarkable journey through Idaho’s lush temperate rainforests, adorned with ferns and towering cedars, running alongside the serene Priest River.

The unique appeal of American Falls lies in its remote location and the pristine environment that surrounds it. Unlike more accessible waterfalls, its secluded setting ensures a tranquil experience for visitors. The falls are not just about the drop; the surrounding rock formations and the striking color of the pool below add to the visual spectacle, creating a scene that feels untouched by time. The journey through dense forests rich in biodiversity offers glimpses of the area’s flora and fauna, making the hike to the falls as rewarding as the destination itself.

Summer is the ideal time to visit American Falls when the water volume is at its peak, transforming the falls into a thundering cascade that showcases the raw power of nature. This season brings the landscape to life, with the rainforest’s flora in full bloom and the river at its most dynamic. Access is restricted during Winter and Early Spring because of snow, and the falls diminish to a modest flow by Late Summer.

Ranked at #10 on our list of top waterfalls in North Idaho, American Falls is a must-visit for those seeking an authentic wilderness experience. Its combination of scenic beauty, ecological diversity, and the adventure of reaching it makes this waterfall a compelling destination. For hikers, nature enthusiasts, and anyone looking to escape into the tranquility of Idaho’s forests, American Falls offers a perfect retreat. The journey to and from the falls encapsulates the rugged charm of North Idaho, providing an unforgettable outdoor adventure that goes beyond the ordinary.

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#9. Centennial Falls

Centennial Falls, nestled within the verdant expanses of North Idaho, is a breathtaking display of natural artistry. Characterized by its broad ledge, the waterfall pours over in a cohesive, curtain-like flow, captivating onlookers with its serene beauty. Situated in a natural amphitheater enriched by seeps and springs, the area around the falls supports a vibrant ecosystem, including the habitat of the endangered Coeur d’Alene Salamander, P. Idahoensis. This delicate environment emphasizes the importance of conservation and respect for nature’s intricacies.

The falls distinguish themselves not only through their visual splendor but also by the critical ecological role they play. The lush surroundings, fed by natural water sources, create a haven for diverse plant life and the rare Coeur d’Alene Salamander. This unique ecological niche makes Centennial Falls a vital area for preservation efforts and a fascinating spot for those interested in biodiversity and environmental conservation.

The optimal period for visiting Centennial Falls is during late spring and summer when the access routes are clear of snow and the waterfall is at its most vibrant. This timeframe ensures that visitors can fully appreciate the lush surroundings and the waterfall’s vigorous flow. It’s important to note that the falls are inaccessible in winter due to snow, and by late fall, the water diminishes to just a trickle, making late spring through summer the ideal months for a visit.

Coming in at #9, Centennial Falls is a must-see for anyone exploring North Idaho’s wealth of natural beauty. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the falls provide a unique opportunity to engage with the region’s delicate ecosystems. The journey to Centennial Falls, through the Panhandle National Forest, is as enriching as the destination itself, offering a peaceful retreat into nature. Visitors are reminded to tread lightly and respect the pristine condition of this area, mindful of the impact that increased attention could have on its preservation. In visiting Centennial Falls, one not only witnesses a stunning natural feature but also participates in the broader narrative of environmental stewardship and appreciation.

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#8. Fern and Shadow Falls

Fern & Shadow Falls, located in the Coeur d’Alene Mountains, showcase the diverse and vibrant landscapes of Idaho. This duo of waterfalls offers a glimpse into the state’s vast natural beauty, providing an idyllic setting for outdoor recreation. Fern Falls greets visitors with its soft cascade at the journey’s beginning, setting the tone for the adventure ahead. Further along, Shadow Falls presents a more dramatic spectacle, plunging 25 feet into the forest’s heart. Together, they create a dynamic experience for those seeking to connect with nature.

What sets Fern & Shadow Falls apart is the combination of accessibility and natural splendor. The area’s ecological diversity turns a visit into an educational journey through various habitats, emphasizing the importance of conservation. Fern Falls, in particular, with rare Maidenhair Ferns adorning the surrounding amphitheater, offers a unique glimpse of the rare temperate rainforests of Idaho. Please respect the boundaries set in place, and stay on the designated trail to help preserve this serene setting.

Late spring and summer emerge as the prime times to explore Fern & Shadow Falls. These seasons ensure the trails are navigable and the falls flow strongly, enhanced by the meltwater and seasonal rains. Visitors will find the landscape at its most lush and inviting, perfect for hiking, photography, and nature observation. It’s essential to prepare for no access during winter months, as snow covers the paths, and by late fall, the water’s flow significantly reduces, limiting the falls’ visual impact.

Fern & Shadow Falls rank at #8 for anyone exploring North Idaho’s outdoor attractions, offering an accessible yet immersive nature experience. The short hike to both falls suits a wide range of visitors, from families with children to seasoned hikers looking for a peaceful escape. Emphasizing the need for environmental respect, these falls serve as a reminder of the delicate balance within natural ecosystems. For those passionate about outdoor recreation, photography, or simply enjoying a day in the beauty of Idaho’s forests, Fern & Shadow Falls provide a perfect destination, blending adventure with the call to protect and cherish our natural world.

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#7. Hunt Creek Falls

Hunt Creek Falls, discreetly located on the eastern side of Priest Lake, Idaho, is a captivating display of nature’s artistry. This relatively unknown waterfall cascades over 30 feet into a rocky canyon, gracefully navigating through a wide array of boulders. The canyon’s moss-covered walls highlight the diverse landscapes of Idaho, creating a picturesque setting. Valued by local residents for its privacy, Hunt Creek Falls offers a unique experience of seclusion and natural splendor.

The real charm of Hunt Creek Falls lies in its seclusion and the journey required to reach it. Situated along an unmarked road and adjacent to private property, it remains one of the true hidden treasures of North Idaho. The waterfall’s ability to weave through boulders into a rocky canyon, coupled with the lush, moss-draped surroundings, provides a distinct contrast to the more frequented sites in the area. This spot encourages a mindful exploration, prompting visitors to appreciate the quiet beauty of Idaho’s wilderness.

The waterfall is most dynamic in late spring, making this the optimal time for a visit. The increased flow from snowmelt creates a more dramatic cascade, enhancing the visual and auditory experience. By late summer, the falls taper to a gentler trickle, offering a different, more subdued beauty. Winter visits are less intriguing, as the falls freeze over, expanding to a solid block of ice.

Hunt Creek Falls stands at #7 for those seeking to discover North Idaho’s lesser-known natural attractions. This destination appeals to adventurers, photographers, and anyone yearning for a peaceful retreat into nature without the crowds. The easy, half-mile trek to the falls makes it accessible for all ages, inviting families, and individuals alike to explore its beauty. As a place that commands respect for its environment, visitors are urged to share their experiences responsibly, preserving the falls’ untouched allure. Hunt Creek Falls is not just a location to visit but a hidden sanctuary to be cherished and protected.

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#6. Char Falls

Char Falls, situated in the Cabinet Mountains of North Idaho, within the expansive Kaniksu National Forest, is a stunning 50-foot waterfall that offers a glimpse into the untouched beauty of the region. The waterfall’s powerful cascade into a serene pool, set against a backdrop of dense forest and imposing mountains, encapsulates the wild essence of North Idaho. The journey to Char Falls, marked by its remote location, is a rewarding experience for those seeking an adventure away from the beaten path.

The adventure to Char Falls is as memorable as the destination itself. The road to the falls is long and challenging, with few opportunities for vehicles to pass each other on the narrow mountain path. This journey requires caution and a high-clearance vehicle, emphasizing the waterfall’s secluded nature. Such an arduous approach ensures that Char Falls remains a pristine escape for visitors, offering a sense of discovery and exclusivity.

The best time to visit Char Falls is during the late spring and summer months when the road conditions are most favorable, and the waterfall is at its most vigorous. This period allows for safer travel and the fullest appreciation of the falls’ natural beauty. Visitors should be mindful of the limited passing areas on the route and prepare for potential back-ups to accommodate oncoming traffic.

Ranked at #6, Char Falls is ideal for those looking to immerse themselves in North Idaho’s rugged landscapes. The waterfall’s remote setting and the journey required to reach it appeal to adventurers, nature enthusiasts, and anyone seeking solace in the wilderness. The short, accessible hike to the falls makes this natural wonder available to a broad audience, from families to seasoned hikers. Visitors are reminded to wear appropriate footwear for the terrain and to pack out what they bring in, as there are no facilities on-site. Embracing the challenges of the journey to Char Falls rewards visitors with an unparalleled experience of North Idaho’s wild beauty, making it a must-visit for those willing to venture off the grid.

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#5. Stevens Lakes Falls

Stevens Lakes Falls graces the trail to Upper and Lower Stevens Lakes in Idaho, presenting a dual cascade spectacle that epitomizes the wilderness’s raw beauty. The adventure kicks off with the enchanting lower Stevens Lakes Falls, a 20-foot cascade cradled by vibrant alpine flora. The ascent introduces the breathtaking upper Stevens Lakes Falls, which dramatically descends 60 feet into a slender slot canyon, offering a rare and invigorating natural experience. This trail doesn’t just lead to captivating waterfalls but also unveils serene alpine lakes and the opportunity to conquer Stevens Peak, crafting a comprehensive outdoor journey.

The uniqueness of Stevens Lakes Falls lies in its ability to provide a multifaceted nature encounter within a single hike. The presence of two distinct waterfalls along the trail, each with its own character—the picturesque lower falls and the awe-inspiring upper falls—sets this hike apart. Additionally, the trail’s end rewards hikers with the tranquil beauty of alpine lakes nestled in Idaho’s rugged terrain, offering moments of peace and reflection. The option to explore further, including several hidden waterfalls along Willow Creek, adds layers of discovery to an already rewarding trek.

The optimal period for experiencing Stevens Lakes Falls and the surrounding natural attractions is from late spring to early fall. This timeframe ensures accessible trails, vibrant flora, and full-flowing waterfalls, courtesy of the melting snow. Summer months provide the warmest conditions for hiking and exploring, with the added benefit of extended daylight to enjoy the scenic vistas and alpine lakes. Winter access is restricted due to snow and the road to the trailhead being inaccessible.

Ranked at #5, Stevens Lakes Falls is a premier destination for outdoor enthusiasts seeking a diverse and enriching nature experience. The journey to the falls and beyond encapsulates the essence of Idaho’s alpine wilderness, offering not just a hike but a comprehensive exploration of the area’s natural wonders. The trail’s moderate difficulty makes it accessible to a wide range of hikers, promising a rewarding experience with every step. Whether you’re there for the waterfalls, the lakes, or the panoramic views from Stevens Peak, this trail delivers an unforgettable adventure. Remember to practice bear safety and leash your dogs to maintain harmony with the local wildlife and ensure a safe, enjoyable experience for all trail users.

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#4. Myrtle Falls

Myrtle Falls stands as a distinguished natural attraction within the tranquil confines of the Kootenai Wildlife Refuge. This impressive 80-foot waterfall pours into an awe-inspiring rock amphitheater, captivating visitors with the sheer force and elegance of water in motion. Located near the Refuge’s Interpretive Center, Myrtle Falls is at the heart of an educational journey, surrounded by trails that tell the story of the local ecosystem, making it a profound visit for people of all ages.

The unique aspect of Myrtle Falls is its integration within an educational framework, providing a holistic nature experience that combines the spectacle of a waterfall with learning opportunities. The presence of interpretive signage along the trails, specifically designed to captivate children’s interest in the environment, sets this destination apart. It’s not just a visit to a waterfall; it’s an opportunity to understand the intricate web of life that thrives in the Kootenai Wildlife Refuge.

To experience Myrtle Falls in all its glory, spring is the ideal time when the water volume peaks, creating a thunderous display. However, the summer months offer a different perspective, with a gentler flow that allows visitors to appreciate the subtler sounds and sights of the surrounding nature. The accessibility of the viewing platform year-round ensures that every visit is rewarding, offering panoramic views of the falls and the amphitheater.

Ranked at #4, Myrtle Falls is a must-see for those exploring North Idaho’s natural wonders, especially for those interested in combining outdoor adventure with environmental education. Its proximity to the Kootenai Wildlife Refuge’s Interpretive Center enriches the visit, providing context and depth to the waterfall experience. Ideal for families, educators, and nature enthusiasts, Myrtle Falls offers a unique blend of beauty, power, and learning. Visitors should remember the regulations within the refuge—no dogs or drones—to help preserve the area’s pristine condition. This setting underscores the importance of respecting our natural heritage and encourages a deeper connection with the world around us.

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#3. Copper Falls

Copper Falls, a stunning testament to North Idaho’s rugged beauty, stands as the tallest freestanding waterfall in the region within the Kootenai National Forest near Bonners Ferry. With a dramatic plunge of 155 feet, it captures the essence of the wild and pristine landscapes that define Idaho. Its accessibility combines with the natural majesty to offer an immersive outdoor experience, making it a year-round attraction for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

The sheer height of Copper Falls sets it apart as a landmark destination in North Idaho, attracting enthusiasts of ice climbing and canyoneering, especially during the winter months. This versatility makes Copper Falls not just a spectacle to behold but also a playground for outdoor sports, offering different facets of its character across the seasons. Its popularity for ice climbing underscores the waterfall’s unique appeal, presenting challenges and beauty that vary from the roaring waters of spring to the frozen sculpture of winter.

While Copper Falls is a breathtaking sight throughout the year, each season offers a distinct experience. Spring and early summer showcase the waterfall’s full power with high water volumes, making it an ideal time for photographers and nature enthusiasts. Winter transforms the falls into a popular spot for ice climbing, offering a unique adventure for experienced climbers. Visitors planning a winter trip should check weather conditions to ensure safe access and enjoy the falls’ frozen beauty safely.

Ranked at #3, Spokane Falls is an iconic destination that offers more than just a visual feast; it presents a narrative of Spokane’s growth and its embrace of natural resources. The accessibility of the falls, with pathways and bridges throughout Riverfront Park, allows for an easy exploration of its various segments, offering diverse perspectives on this magnificent urban waterfall. Its location within the city center, close to other attractions and amenities, makes it a must-visit for both locals and tourists. The combination of natural majesty and historical depth provides a unique urban experience, inviting visitors to appreciate the powerful beauty of Spokane Falls and the innovative spirit of the city that surrounds it.

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#2. Snow Creek Falls

Snow Creek Falls, situated in the lush wilderness near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, stands as a testament to the untouched beauty of the region. This secluded waterfall, with its multiple tiers totaling over 150 feet, offers a breathtaking scene of cascading waters set against the backdrop of North Idaho’s dense forests. The falls provide a serene retreat for those looking to explore the quieter side of nature, away from the bustle of crowded tourist spots.

The limited access and parking at Snow Creek Falls underscore its status as a hidden treasure within Idaho’s expansive natural landscape. This exclusivity ensures that visitors can enjoy a more intimate experience with nature, surrounded by the calming sounds of the waterfall and the rich greenery of the surrounding forest. While the upper falls are easily accessible and offer a close-up view of the water’s power, families and visitors are cautioned to enjoy the falls from a safe distance, as the area is not suitable for swimming but rather for hiking and viewing.

The optimal time to visit Snow Creek Falls is during the spring runoff in May and June when the water levels are at their peak, and the falls are most impressive. Visitors planning a trip should consider the limited parking and prepare for their visit by arriving early or visiting during less busy times to ensure access. For those adventurous enough to brave the winter conditions, micro spikes are recommended to navigate the trail safely.

Ranked at #2, Snow Creek Falls is an essential visit for anyone venturing into North Idaho’s vast wilderness, especially for those who appreciate the natural world’s quiet beauty. The falls’ secluded location and the partnership with the National Forest Service, thanks to a private landowner, highlight the importance of respecting and preserving these natural spaces. Whether you’re an avid hiker, a nature photographer, or simply someone looking to find peace in the great outdoors, Snow Creek Falls offers a unique opportunity to connect with the wild and scenic beauty of Idaho, reminding us of the value of conservation and responsible recreation.

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#1. Granite Falls

Granite Falls, uniquely positioned on the west side of Priest Lake, Idaho, yet technically within Washington State, stands as the pinnacle of waterfall destinations in the North Idaho region. This marvel of nature, easily accessible just a few hundred feet from the parking lot, captivates visitors with its sloped descent and the dramatic backdrop of a towering basalt amphitheater. Its accessibility, coupled with the breathtaking scenery and the surrounding lush temperate rainforest, cements Granite Falls’ status as the ultimate waterfall experience in North Idaho.

Granite Falls distinguishes itself not only by its geographical anomaly but also through its natural architecture. The waterfall’s unique sloped descent, typical of most waterfalls in the Inland Northwest, and the imposing basalt cliffs that embrace the cascading waters create a spectacle of raw natural beauty. During the spring, the waterfall swells into a powerful display, featuring a distinctive horsetail spray that launches water several feet into the air, offering a mesmerizing show to all who visit.

The falls are most impressive during the spring runoff when the water volume reaches its peak, transforming Granite Falls into a thunderous spectacle. However, its easy accessibility makes it a perfect destination for the summer seasons, offering a perfect day trip for the entire family. The adjacent day-use area, complete with trail systems, picnic spots and restroom facilities, enhances the visitor experience, making it enjoyable for families and individuals of all ages.

Securing the #1 spot for North Idaho’s waterfall destinations, Granite Falls provides an unparalleled natural escape. Its immediate proximity to the parking area allows for easy access, making it suitable for visitors with varying levels of mobility. The area surrounding the Stagger Inn Campground, features loop trails leading through ancient cedar groves and offers opportunities to discover hidden waterfalls along the creek. This combination of majestic falls, lush forests, and additional natural attractions makes Granite Falls not just a visit but an immersive experience into the heart of North Idaho’s wilderness. Visitors are reminded to prepare for remote conditions, including no cell service and the potential for wildlife encounters, ensuring a safe and enjoyable adventure into this spectacular natural enclave.

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In conclusion, the journey through North Idaho’s top waterfalls, from the secluded charm of Hunt Creek Falls to the breathtaking majesty of Granite Falls, reveals a region rich in natural splendor and diverse ecological landscapes. Each waterfall, with its unique character and beauty, offers a window into the wild heart of Idaho, inviting explorers, families, and nature enthusiasts to connect with the environment in profound and meaningful ways. These destinations, ranging from the easily accessible to the hidden gems tucked away in the wilderness, underscore the importance of preserving natural spaces for future generations to enjoy.

As we reflect on these top waterfall destinations, it’s clear that North Idaho is a treasure trove of natural wonders, each contributing to the tapestry that makes this region so special. Whether seeking adventure, tranquility, or simply the pleasure of discovering the great outdoors, North Idaho’s waterfalls provide a perfect backdrop for creating lasting memories. Visitors are encouraged to approach these natural wonders with respect and mindfulness, ensuring that their beauty remains unspoiled. In embracing the spirit of exploration and conservation, we can continue to celebrate and protect the incredible natural heritage of North Idaho.
